Sign in UK hospital 2011.    Thank you, medics.  Now actuaries need a way to pay adequate pensions to all these seniors. And  we want to give them decent health care, averaging around $8,000 per year per 75-year-old. Stop reading and instead make babies please, to pay future taxes!

 Wall Street Journal blog April 23, 2012



Above clickable Nov 25, 2009 Globe and Mail on 2% real rate.

In April 2012, long Canada Real Return bonds yields were lower at 0.5% per annum real. 

WSJ March 1, 2013: Goodbye to the 4% of lump sum retirement income rule

Toronto Star March 18, 2009 unfairly blames David X. Li (Li Xianglin) whom Keith knows well. It's true that his methods were used on Wall Street to give credibility to some mortgage-backed security valuations which were a major cause of the  2008-2013 world financial crisis. Li said at the time that his methods were being misused.





British woman age 60 has first sight of her 2,625 yearly income payable for life for each 100,000 of lump sum that she pays to insurance company now.  In Canada, it’s harder to get information on rates for inflation-indexed annuities (RPI=CPI) available to retirees paying with their RRSP lump sum, but, if available at all, such annuities would have similar rates.  (Acknowledgements to and Janet Leigh)