STA 442: Methods of Applied Statistics


STA 1008: Applications of Statistics

University of Toronto Mississauga, Winter/Spring 2012

Lecture Tuesday 11:10-1:00 and Thursday 11:10-12:00 in Room 201, North Building.
Tutorials Friday 9:10-10:00 and 11:10-12:00 in CC 2130

Note: This page is under construction, and will be updated frequently throughout the term.

Pop Quiz 10: Several people have said they turned it in but did not get it back. I cannot find the quizzes in question, but it could be I lost them. So, if you look on Blackboard you will see that everyone with a missing mark on Pop Quiz 10 now has a 9. Also, if you had a 5/10 (meaning you took the quiz but the answer was wrong), you now have 7/10.

Information about the final exam, including the final assignment, is posted below (right under the course outline). The information page now includes a link to this term's quizzes, with solutions

SAS Certification: One of my former students (Sumei Gu, now working as a biostatistician) suggests that if you want to find work as a statistician but have just an undergraduate degree, you might want to seek the SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 Credential. Details are given on the SAS Institute website. To me, it looks like you already know more than half of this stuff, but to pass the exam you would likely have to take a couple of courses from the SAS Institute and give them all your money. The SAS Institute has an office in Toronto.

  • Data sets from homework, lectures and the text. SAS programs from the lectures and text are also available here.