Adjustments to Marks on Term Tests in STA256f19

Test One

As promised in the syllabus, the marks on Test 1 will be adjusted so that all three medians are equal, and equal to the highest one. The median for lecture section 3 (LEC0103) was 63%. The median for lecture section 1 (LEC0101) was 75%. The median for lecture section 2 (LEC0102) was 85%. This means that if a student took the test with lecture section 3, his or her score will be increased by 22 points. If a student took the test with lecture section 1, his or her score will be increased by 10 points. If a student took the test with lecture section 2, the mark remains unchanged.

I said the marks will be adjusted. I have not literally added any marks on Quercus yet, and I do not plan to. It's clumsy with Quercus, and will be easy with a spreadsheet when the final marks are calculated. In the meantime, this document represents a commitment. If you took the test with lecture section 1 or 3, you have the right to the extra marks. In case of clerical errors, notify me (Jerry) and I will fix the problem. Naturally, I trust that this will not be necessary.

Just for the record, I do not believe there was anything wrong with the test in section 3. In fact, I think that a 63% average was right on the money, and fairly reflects the students' knowledge of this material. For comparison, last year all three sections took exactly the same test at the same time, and the Test 1 median was 60%. This year, the averages for section 1 and section 2 were abnormally high. However, we are bound by the bumping strategy advertised in the syllabus.

Test Two

On Test 2, the median for lecture section 1 (LEC0101) was 55%, the median for lecture section 2 (LEC0102) was 54%, and the median for lecture section 3 (LEC0103) was 45%. This means that the students in section 3 get an extra 10 marks, and the students in section 2 get an extra one mark. Marks in lecture section 1 remain unchanged. The extra points will be added when the final marks are calculated. They will not appear on Quercus.

This is pretty much where we should be. I expect similar averages on Test 3 and the final exam. Except for the bumps to equalize the medians for the three lecture sections, the marks will not be increased any more.

Test Three

On Test 3, the median for lecture section 1 (LEC0101) was 50%, the median for lecture section 2 (LEC0102) was 44%, and the median for lecture section 3 (LEC0103) was 52%. This means that the students in section 1 get an extra 2 marks, and the students in section 2 get an extra 8 marks. Marks in lecture section 3 remain unchanged. The extra points will be added when the final marks are calculated. They will not appear on Quercus.