\documentclass[12pt]{article} %\usepackage{amsbsy} % for \boldsymbol and \pmb \usepackage{graphicx} % To include pdf files! \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage[colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue, urlcolor=blue]{hyperref} % For links \usepackage{fullpage} %\pagestyle{empty} % No page numbers \begin{document} %\enlargethispage*{1000 pt} \begin{center} {\Large \textbf{STA 2101 Assignment 5}}\footnote{This assignment was prepared by \href{http://www.utstat.toronto.edu/~brunner}{Jerry Brunner}, Department of Statistics, University of Toronto. It is licensed under a \href{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US} {Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License}. Use any part of it as you like and share the result freely. The \LaTeX~source code is available from the course website: \href{http://www.utstat.toronto.edu/~brunner/oldclass/2101f19} {\texttt{http://www.utstat.toronto.edu/$^\sim$brunner/oldclass/2101f19}}} \vspace{1 mm} \end{center} \noindent The questions on this assignment are not to be handed in. They are practice for Quiz Five on Friday October 25th. % There is a posted formula sheet that will be provided with the quiz. Please bring the printouts from Questions~\ref{sat}, \ref{mysterylogistic} and \ref{heart}. Please bring your printout for Question~\ref{birds} to the quiz. \vspace{3mm} \noindent \textbf{Your printouts should have \emph{only} R input and output. It is okay to have the questions in comment statements, but \emph{no answers}. } \begin{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Logistic regression %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item If two events have equal probability, the odds ratio equals \underline{~~~~~~}. \item For a multiple logistic regression model, if the value of the kth explanatory variable is increased by c units and everything else remains the same, the odds of Y=1 are \underline{~~~~~~} times as great. Prove your answer. \item For a multiple logistic regression model, let $P(Y_i=1| x_{i,1}, \ldots, x_{i,p-1}) = \pi(\mathbf{x}_i)$. Show that a linear model for the log odds is equivalent to \begin{displaymath} \pi(\mathbf{x}_i) = \frac{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \ldots + \beta_{p-1} x_{p-1}}} {1+e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \ldots + \beta_{p-1} x_{p-1}}} = \frac{e^{\mathbf{x}_i^\top\boldsymbol{\beta}}} {1+e^{\mathbf{x}_i^\top\boldsymbol{\beta}}} \end{displaymath} \item Write the log likelihood for a general logistic regression model, and simplify it as much as possible. Of course use the result of the last question. % \item \label{delta} In the Logistic regression with R slide show, I reproduced the standard error for an estimated probability of passing the course. How did I do it? Show your work. % Not in 2014 \item A logistic regression model with no explanatory variables has just one parameter, $\beta_0$. It also the same probability $\pi = P(Y=1)$ for each case. \begin{enumerate} \item Write $\pi$ as a function of $\beta_0$; show your work. \item The \emph{invariance principle} of maximum likelihood estimation says the MLE of a function of the parameter is that function of the MLE. It is very handy. Now, still considering a logistic regression model with no explanatory variables, \begin{enumerate} \item Suppose $\overline{y}$ (the sample proportion of $Y=1$ cases) is 0.57. What is $\widehat{\beta}_0$? Your answer is a number. % 0.2818512 \item Suppose $\widehat{\beta}_0=-0.79$. What is $\overline{y}$? Your answer is a number. % 0.3121687 \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \newpage \item Consider a logistic regression in which the cases are newly married couples with both people from the same religion. The explanatory variables are total family income and religion. Religion is coded A, B, C and None (let's call ``None" a religion), and the response variable is whether the marriage lasted 5 years (1=Yes, 0=No). \begin{enumerate} \item Write a linear model for the log odds of a successful\footnote{I agree, this may be a modest definition of success.} marriage. You do not have to say how the dummy variables are defined. You will do that in the next part. \item Make a table with four rows, showing how you would set up indicator dummy variables for Religion, with None as the reference category. \item Add a column showing the odds of the marriage lasting 5 years. The \emph{symbols} for your dummy variables should not appear in your answer, because they are zeros and ones, and different for each row. But of course your answer contains $\beta$ values. Denote income by $x$. \item For a constant value of income, what is the ratio of the odds of a marriage lasting 5 years or more for Religion C to the odds of lasting 5 years or more for No Religion? Answer in terms of the $\beta$ symbols of your model. \item Holding income constant, what is the ratio of the odds of lasting 5 years or more for religion A to the odds of lasting 5 years or more for Religion B? Answer in terms of the $\beta$ symbols of your model. \item You want to test whether controlling for income, Religion is related to whether the marriage lasts 5 years. State the null hypothesis in terms of one or more $\beta$ values. \item You want to know whether marriages from Religion A are more likely to last 5 years than marriages from Religion C, allowing for income. State the null hypothesis in terms of one or more $\beta$ values. \item You want to test whether marriages between people of No Religion with an average income have a 50-50 chance of lasting 5 years. State the null hypothesis in symbols. To hold income to an ``average" value, just set $x=\overline{x}$. \end{enumerate} \newpage \item \label{birds} People who raise large numbers of birds inhale potentially dangerous material, especially tiny fragments of feathers. Can this be a risk factor for lung cancer, controlling for other possible risk factors? Which of those other possible risk factors are important? Here are the variables in the file \\ \href{http://www.utstat.utoronto.ca/~brunner/data/illegal/birdlung.data.txt} {\texttt{http://www.utstat.utoronto.ca/$\sim$brunner/data/illegal/birdlung.data.txt}}. \\ These data are from a textbook called the \emph{Statistical Sleuth} by Ramsey and Schafer, and are used without permission. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Variable} & \textbf{Values} \\ \hline Lung Cancer & 1=Yes, 0=No \\ Gender & 1=Female, 0=Male \\ Socioeconomic Status & 1=High, 0=Low \\ Birdkeeping & 1=Yes, 0=No \\ Age & \\ Years smoked & \\ Cigarettes per day & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} If you look at \texttt{help(colnames)}, you can see how to add variable names to a data frame. It's a good idea, because if you can't remember which variables are which during the quiz, you're out of luck. First, make tables of the binary variables using \texttt{table}, Use \texttt{prop.table} to find out the percentages. What proportion of the sample had cancer. Any comments? There is one primary issue in this study: Controlling for all other variables, is birdkeeping significantly related to the chance of getting lung cancer? Carry out a likelihood ratio test to answer the question. \begin{enumerate} \item In symbols, what is the null hypothesis? \item What is the value of the likelihood ratio test statistic $G^2$? The answer is a number. \item What are the degrees of freedom for the test? The answer is a number. \item What is the $p$-value? The answer is a number. \item What do you conclude? Presence of a relationship is not enough. Say what happened. \item For a non-smoking, bird-keeping woman of average age and low socioeconomic status, what is the estimated probability of lung cancer? The answer (a single number) should be based on the full model. \item Obtain a 95\% confidence interval for that last probability. Your answer is a pair of numbers. There is an easy way and a hard way. Do it the easy way. \item Your answer to the last question made you uncomfortable. Why? Another approach is to start with a confidence interval for the log odds, and then use the fact that the function $p(x) = \frac{e^x}{1+e^x}$ is strictly increasing in $x$. Get the confidence interval this way. Again, your answer is a pair of numbers. Which confidence interval do you like more? \item Naturally, you should be able to interpret all the $Z$-tests too. Which one is comparable to the main likelihood ratio test you have just done? \item Controlling for all other variables, are the chances of cancer different for men and women? % \item All other things being equal, when a person smokes 10 more cigarettes a day (ten, not one), the estimated odds of cancer are \underline{~~~~~~~} times as great. \item Also, are \emph{any} of the explanatory variables related to getting lung cancer? Carry out a single likelihood ratio test. You could do it from the default output with a calculator, but use R. Get the $p$-value, too. \item Now please do the same as the last item, but with a Wald test. Of course you should display the value of $W_n$, the degrees of freedom and the $p$-value. \item Finally and just for practice, fit a simple logistic regression model in which the single explanatory variable is number of cigarettes per day. \begin{enumerate} \item When a person from this population smokes ten more cigarettes per day, the odds of lung cancer are multiplied by $r$ (odds ratio). Give a point estimate of $r$. Your answer is a number. \item Using the \texttt{vcov} function and the delta method, give an estimate of the asymptotic variance of $r$. Your answer is a number. \end{enumerate} \textbf{Please bring your R printout for this question to the quiz.} Also, this question requires some paper and pencil work, and it would be fair to ask for something like that on the quiz too. \end{enumerate} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Random Explanatory Variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item In the usual multiple regression model, the $X$ matrix is an $n \times p$ matrix of known constants. But in practice, the explanatory variables are often random and not fixed. Clearly, if the model holds \emph{conditionally} upon the values of the explanatory variables, then all the usual results hold, again conditionally upon the particular values of the explanatory variables. The probabilities (for example, $p$-values) are conditional probabilities, and the $F$ statistic does not have an $F$ distribution, but a conditional $F$ distribution, given $\mathcal{X}=X$. Here, the $n \times p$ matrix $\mathcal{X}$ is used to denote the matrix containing the random explanatory variables. It does not have to be \emph{all} random. For example the first column might contain only ones if the model has an intercept. \begin{enumerate} \item Show that the least-squares estimator $(X^\top X)^{-1} X^\top \mathbf{y}$ is conditionally unbiased. You've done this before. \item Show that $\widehat{\boldsymbol{\beta}} = (\mathcal{X}^\top\mathcal{X}) \mathcal{X}^\top \mathbf{y}$ is also unbiased unconditionally. If it helps, you may assume that the explanatory variables are discrete, so you can write a multiple sum. Or, you could do it using just expected values. \item A similar calculation applies to the significance level of a hypothesis test. Let $F$ be the test statistic (say for an $F$-test comparing full and reduced models), and $f_c$ be the critical value. If the null hypothesis is true, then the test is size $\alpha$, conditionally upon the explanatory variable values. That is, $P(F>f_c|\mathcal{X}=X)=\alpha$. Find the \emph{unconditional} probability of a Type I error. Again, you may assume that the explanatory variables are discrete if you wish. I used the so-called Law of Total Probability. \end{enumerate} \item Ordinary linear regression is often applied to data sets where the explanatory variables are best modeled as random variables: write $y_i = \mathcal{X}_i^\top\boldsymbol{\beta} + \epsilon_i$. In what way does the usual conditional linear regression model with normal errors imply that random explanatory variables must be independent of the error term? Hint: assume the random vector $\mathcal{X}_i$ and the scalar random variable $\epsilon_i$ are both continuous. What is the conditional distribution of $\epsilon_i$ given $\mathcal{X}_i = X_i$? \item For a model with just one (random) explanatory variable, show that $E(\epsilon_i|X_i=x_i)=0$ for all $x_i$ implies $Cov(X_i,\epsilon_i)=0$, so that a standard regression model without the normality assumption still implies zero covariance (though not necessarily independence) between the error term and explanatory variables. % See 2017 A8 for omitted vars etc. \end{enumerate} % End of all the questions \end{document} % Ran out of time and went back to birds. \item \label{bweight} Please start this question by downloading and installing the MASS package in R. Then, \texttt{help(birthwt)} gives some information about the variables in the Birth Weight data set. The cases (rows) are mothers who recently had babies. For the zero-one variables, 1 means Yes and 0 means No. The response variable is \texttt{low}; babies who weigh less than 2.5 kg.~at birth are at risk for a variety of medical problems. \begin{enumerate} \item Look at \texttt{summary(birthwt)}. What percentage of babies had low birth weight? What percentage of mothers smoked during pregnancy? \item \end{enumerate}